Physical Education
At Amesbury Archer Primary School we want our children to ‘Aim High’ and know that they have the ability to achieve anything they put their minds to. In PE, we aim to provide a high quality of education to all the children at Amesbury Archer. When participating in PE, we aim to instil our ‘Aim High’ approach building upon their aspiration, resilience and enthusiasm for a variety of sport. When taking part in a team sport, we want children to show honesty and respect for the rules of the game, their team members and opposing team.
Our broad PE curriculum is designed to ensure children at Amesbury Archer experience a variety of skills which are transferable throughout different sports. Outside experiences such as clubs and sport tournaments creates an excitement of curiosity to try new sports and build the confidence to try new things. We want our PE curriculum to instil a love of physical activity among our pupils to enable them to live an active, healthy lifestyle.
We use PE hub because it offers a whole school approach which supports staff in the implementation of a wide sporting curriculum. Each lesson is clearly outlined with the learning intention, success criteria and the skill development to help teachers teach well-structured lesson. Each lesson is directly linked to the national curriculum and fits to the programme of study for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
At Amesbury Archer we have children of all different abilities and actively include those with SEND. Children with SEND, like all children, have quality first teaching during PE lessons. Depending on the activity, teachers will adapt lessons to meet the individual needs of the children.